EISAU Information
We welcome you to the EISAU website – an online community of schools and providers of goods and services, ranging from fundraising, air conditioning and technology, to plumbers, electricians, and architects. We cover the major cities such as Sydney, Perth, Brisbane,Adelaide, Hobart and Melbourne, and everywhere in between. Unless otherwise indicated all listed providers are already suppliers to schools. We have done the sorting to ensure listed businesses are tested and proven.
The EISAU website provides a free service to schools. As many staff as need be can register. Register to gain additional benefits, such as going in the monthly draw to receive $200 off a provider of your choice, being able to add testimonials, saving preferred providers and receiving our quarterly newsletter.
You can search for a provider by one or more of the following:
School Postcode (providers who service this postcode will be listed)
Click here to check the
Remember to ask your providers for their EISAU Special Offers. Our providers offer a special deal to schools who find them through EISAU.

Suggest a Provider?
We encourage school staff to suggest a provider so that your quality providers can gain the benefits of being listed on this site. Members of School Parent Committees are also invited to register.
All information supplied by School Staff through registration is kept strictly confidential. Staff and school details will not be released to either providers or other schools.
We have furniture suppliers, painting companies and even businesses specialising in gum removal.
Can't find the provider you
are looking for?
Our team will be glad to help you