Many people in Australia think of the obvious benefits which people gain from participating in fundraising, community, and volunteer work: namely money for their cause. However, there is more to such activities than meets the eye. Participating in School fundraising committees and volunteer work teaches School Students a wide range of transferable skills, and instils positive values and ideals in them.

Raising large amounts of money over a period of time by organising benefit concerts, bake sales, and the like requires planning, negotiation, risk-taking, and above all, hard work. Students become more confident, learn to delegate tasks, and work together as a team to achieve a common goal within a specified time period. Collecting money for particular causes raises student awareness about particular social issues, cultures, or groups of people who are vulnerable due to illness or poverty (Robertson, 2012).

Participation in these projects can help young people learn to set goals and handle money. It can help improve their maths, budgeting, and other financial skills. They can also gain experience in a variety of different roles. For example, one student can be responsible for the overall running of a particular fundraising effort, whilst others can be nominated treasurers, bookkeepers, and have control over other aspects of the project. Fundraising provides opportunities for parents and teachers to discuss money management with young people.

Participating in charity and fundraising efforts can help School Students develop leadership skills and become comfortable in both leading and subordinate positions. Students can practice their customer service and product presentation skills, and in the process can become more effective communicators, boosting their speaking, reading, and writing competency (Elder, 2014; Jones and Wistrom, 2010). Juan Franco, president of AIM fundraising, has this to say about charity work and the effect it can have on the young: “There is no better laboratory to learn skills such as these than dealing with people. […] Fundraising gives students a chance to test their skills and learn new ones if applied properly” (Elder, 2014).

Fundraising projects can be an opportunity for parents to support their children, have fun with them, and become involved in school life. It also provides an opportunity for children and teens to appreciate the value of money, consumer items, and other resources. Students of all ages can use their creativity and contribute to their environment in real ways, particularly if fundraising proceeds are used to pay for school buildings and equipment (Jones and Wistrom, 2010; Elder, 2014). Indeed, government schools often have limited access to funding sources as compared to private schools, which typically have access to a more diverse range of funding options. In view of this fact, student fundraising for school equipment and facilities is an important avenue for public schools.

Collecting funds and volunteering in the community develop transferable skills which can be used in student government, academic competitions and part-time jobs (Elder, 2014). Finally, prospective employers are impressed if jobseekers can show they are involved in fundraising, community, or volunteer work. This is because such involvement demonstrates a level of maturity and a range of abilities which is desirable in any worker or well-rounded individual. Fundraising and volunteering delivers more than money can buy.

Elder, Lee Erica. “What Kids Learn From Fundraising.” PTO Today. 22 January, 2014.

Jones, Natalia and Elizabeth Wistrom. “The Many Benefits of Fundraising for Schools.” Bright Hub.  7 February, 2010.

Robertson, Jo. “Fundraising in school – it’s not all about shaking the charity can.” The Guardian. 24 October, 2012.

About the Author

PhD in European Languages and Cultures (specialising in Literary Translation) Department of International Studies Macquarie University

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