
Fundraising is a necessary activity for Schools because it helps pay for student resources. It is important that school fundraising activities comply with the school ethos, and that they do not put students at risk. It is advisable to undertake risk assessments of fundraising activities which involve physical work, online projects and students being involved in activities off campus.

Set targets of how much by when, and identify what the money will be used for. If people understand that their money will be put to good use, they are more will willing to contribute. Setting a target to raise a certain amount of money, is motivating as progress is tracked and everyone can see the contribution from different activities.

Generally speaking the broader the involvement from the school community the greater the chance of reaching your targets. It is a good idea to create a fund raising team of students, teachers and parents who can discuss and implement ideas. To gain an idea of the popularity of different fundraising ideas, put them on the school website – survey the school community and ask for comments. Students can play the main role in website administration.

Fundraising Ideas

There are an infinite number of fundraising ideas include:

A Car Wash: which will be arranged by the funding team including a group of thirty or forty students in the parking lot the school or in nearby religious institutions or in public areas. You will need permission to conduct this outside the school grounds.

A Dog Wash – advertise in the school newsletter. Ask parents to bring their dogs to school when they drop their children off. The risks in this activity need to be managed as dogs can pose threats. It perhaps ask dog owners to stay with the dog while it is washed.

Organise with a supplier to sell items through the school – the school keeps a percentage of the profits. Name labels, children’s art work and presents for Mothers and Fathers Days are some suggestions.

Arrange a Jail and Bail Game in front of the school building. One or two participants will be cuffed in a shift cell. His/her supporters make phone calls or plead for donations from passers-by in order to release him/her while other students can sell refreshments to anyone who stops by to visit the jail birds. If it is possible to get a local celebrity or public figure who agrees to be jailed, this event will be more interesting and profitable.

Arrange a Special Talent Show including the students as well as talented children and young teens from outside school hall. Parents and friends will pay to come and see their students.

Cakes Stalls held at regular intervals (perhaps every Friday) will create a loyal group of clients. Students and parents asked to donate to the cake stall should be rostered so that it is not the same people donating all the time. Ask a local artist to donate a piece of art and raffle this. The artist could be paid a percentage of the money raised.

Arrange a Sports day such as a cricket tournament. Each team pays to play – additional money can be made by selling refreshments on the day. Alternatively you could organize such an event such as a kite flying festival.


Some fundraising activities are more lucrative than others, but what brings rewards is consistent effort from an array of different activities. The broader the involvement of the school community the better, as it unites everyone in pursuit of a common goal. Rewards come along the way, as well as at the end when students are benefiting from the resources. Participation is the key.

About the Author

PhD in European Languages and Cultures (specialising in Literary Translation) Department of International Studies Macquarie University

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