What makes art an effective teaching tool?

Art education exercises the senses in a way that strengthens a child’s cognitive, emotional, social and sensory-motor skills. It improves student learning because it enriches the mind. It also hones social abilities, enhances problem-solving skills and sharpens memory and concentration.

And because art lessons are enjoyable, students are keen to learn and participate in class. This involvement along with the right environment encourages them to nurture their skills, enhance their gift as well as to develop their personality.

How does art contribute to a student’s success? Here are four ways.

1.   Develops creativity and promotes verbal and visual literacy

Teaching a child to love art at an early age improves his or her imagination. This is why some parents provide their children with good books and an assortment of art materials. It’s a means to develop a child’s creativity and imagination. Art education practised in schools promotes visual artistry and verbal literacy. It is thus essential to give students access to top-quality school supplies, art materials and books so they can master their reading and writing skills.

2.   Improves communication and social interaction

Art knows no boundary. It gives students a sense of freedom. Unlike other subjects in the educational system that are based on facts, theories or numbers, art lessons offer students the opportunity to express themselves. It helps them showcase their emotions and ideas through a heart-rending song, poem or a beautiful painting. Students also benefit from art by learning how to communicate with each other. It teaches them to be constructive critics, thereby helping one another create better output.

3.   Boosts self-esteem and confidence

The open-ended nature of art education allows students to take risks in their projects. The idea that the project will be accepted regardless of the quality of the output, helps kids build a sense of confidence. This, in turn, boosts their self-esteem, helping them explore better ways to create more meaningful and personal artworks.

4.   Enhances analytical skills and enriches the mind

Art education creates the best condition for optimal brain development. In the course of creating art, students are able to make choices and explore new, creative ideas. As a result, they are better able to handle complex situations while implementing their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

Bottom Line

Art education plays an important role in student learning. Through arts, students are given the best outlet to help enhance their abilities as well as develop their talent. These skills are crucial for students to achieve better academic standing and enable them to find success in their future endeavours.

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About the Author

PhD in European Languages and Cultures (specialising in Literary Translation) Department of International Studies Macquarie University

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