Our Vision
To become the website of choice for schools looking for prorviders of goods and services.
Our Mission
We hold dear the qualities of integrity and adding value to our clients whom we are proud to have on our website we are committed to furthering their business and promoting them tot schools accross the country. Our third core value is that of communication. As such we have an unswerving purpose to developing a sense of community amonst users of the EISAU website.
Everything we do at EISAU is inspired by the desire to serve those who use our website. Through our online community of schools and providers we will reduce the tie and effort whih schools put tinto procuring goods and services. We are dedicated to schools having access to an efficient and reliable means of searching for the best available providers of goods and services.

Abigail N’diaye
I ordered from Special Needs Toys Australia. They had a wide selection of products and the service was prompt. They delivered my items quickly and the few things which were on back order arrived within a few weeks of the order being placed as well. I was very happy with the service.

Paul McShane
Manager - Community Liaison & Development
Thanks again,The EISAU website was easy to use and gave us some new options for trying new suppliers with free delivery even to a school like ours in a regional area.

Tammy van der Nest
Director of Music K-12
EISAU provides a very useful service by sourcing relevant suppliers for each subject area. One can easily search their website and find suitable and reliable providers. The website is a time saver for teachers as well as a place to find new contacts. The website is well worth a visit.

Abigail N’diaye
I ordered from Special Needs Toys Australia. They had a wide selection of products and the service was prompt. They delivered my items quickly and the few things which were on back order arrived within a few weeks of the order being placed as well. I was very happy with the service.
If I change the school at which I work, can I register again to use the EISAU when I start work at a new school?
Yes … register with your new email address. From time to time school staff will be asked to re-register to ensure that school staff are current.
How many staff from any one school can register?
There is no limit to the number of staff who register from any one school.
Can a provider be removed from the EISAU website.
If payment is not received by the due date a provider may be removed. If we receive several complaints from a school and the issues are not resolved a provider may be removed from the website. Providers will be notified before they are removed.
How will I know when to renew my membership to the site.
One month before your renewal date you will be sent an email reminder. You will also be sent a reminder on the day your membership expires. You will have 7 days to pay from the date your membership expires.
Is there any limit to the number of providers listed in each category?
At this stage there is no limit. However if this becomes a problem in the future the issue will be addressed then.
As a provider, will I be able to see if my details have been viewed?
By accessing your dashboard you will be able to see the number of times that your full details have been viewed. You will not be able to see who has viewed your full details nor will you be able to see how many times you have come up on lists.
Will I be able to see the schools which have registered?
No – this is confidential information. When a School staff member contacts you via the Eisau online form you will have the information they provide to you.
Will I be able to see information about other providers?
Yes. Our website is open. You can view published information on all registered providers.
As a provider, can I change my details?
Yes, you can change your details at any time by logging in to your dashboard. The only details you cannot change in this way are your testimonials.
When I pay online will I receive a tax invoice?
Yes you will automatically be emailed a tax invoice upon payment.
Is there a limit to the number of testimonials a provider can have?
Yes… the maximum number of testimonials any one provider can have is eight.
How do I add another testimonial to my details?
Email your testimonial to admin@eisau.com.au We will upload it to your profile.
As a provider, can I add another category sometime after I do my initial listing and membership?
Thanks again,The EISAU website was easy to use and gave us some new options for trying new suppliers with free delivery even to a school like ours in a regional area.